πŸ¦‹ Change Your TidesπŸ’™

☁️ Conquering the drowning tides of your own tears, 

I understand.


These terrifying waves 

Move us,

And come from within us.


They can defeat us,

But if we are brave, 

We can learn how to swim inside them and find hidden beauties in those cavernous places down in the depths of our being 


Those deep places 

Where we choose not to go,

So we ignore them, 

Because the triggers are painful 

and we are afraid of losing control. 


But without our choice,

More waves come...crashing.

escaping from our eyes,

They don’t stop sometimes.


And that burning feeling in the heart

Hurts so much.

β€œWhy did this happen to me? 

We ask ourselves. β€œ Why is it me?”


Trust me, I get it.

These harsh waves move you, back and forth. 

drowning in the ocean of your own despair.


But what if I told you, 

From my own experiences 

That you were the God of your own ocean, that’s inside of you.


And what if I told you 

That nothing on the outside of you,

Nothing that anyone has ever done to you or said to you, 

Didn’t really have anything to do with you. 


Sit quietly for a while,

And breathe 

To calm the raging waters inside.

Let the waters roll down your cheeks,

Let them cleanse if they need.

Release the tension you’re holding, it’s okay. 

Let it go. 


Let every experience be a tool

To help mold your soul 

With the qualities of understanding and more love, so we can genuinely share that with others. Be the change. Forgive. 

Endure the hard times,

That are bound to come in some way...

....Fitness for the spirit.... 


Life really is a divine sport, 

Practice your swimming.

Learn how to feel and not be afraid, 

dance in your feelings.

Let them come, witness them.


Change your tides and soothe your waters. 

You are not the ocean of anxiety, 

You are not the ocean of sadness and depression.


Change your tides, 

and be a witness to the beauty of your own consciousness 

You are the ocean of compassion

You are the ocean of peace love and happiness

And no one can ever take that away from you 


-Leiana Wilhite

Lila Vati Devi 🐠



The Cosmic Egg